9:00am - 3:30pmEarly Dismissal Every Wednesday: 1:30pm
1020 McLean Road, Mount Vernon, WA 98273
Principal: Stephanie Jones-Flores Secretary: Connie Espinoza Phone: 360-428-6122 Fax: 360-428-6162
Washington Elementary School was first built in 1905 as a two-story wood frame building housing grades 1-8. The first section of the current building was constructed in 1950, with additions in 1953 and 1960. A total modernization and addition happened in 1983, with a further remodel in 1996. The school is located in West Mount Vernon, close to the Skagit River and to beautiful farmland filled with tulips and other crops unique to our valley. Washington is a school community focused on learning and working together with the support of our children's families. We invite you to become a part of our school—by joining our active Parent Group, attending your child's conferences, volunteering in classrooms, participating in field trips, or helping with our many school activities. Students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities including: Band, Orchestra, Student Council, Lego Robotics & other extra-curricular activities. Continue to check our Website for updated information on the activities that are available.
Enrollment: 335 students
No hay clases el lunes, 17 de febrero en honor del Día de los Presidentes